PC users: To download files, right click on the "download" link, then click "Save Target As." When you are prompted to save, choose a location on your computer and save the audio file. Mac users: To download files, hold down the control key and click on the "download" link to save the audio file to your computer.
1. |
Antonín Dvoràk/
trans. Herbert L. Clarke |
Carneval Overture, Opus 92 |
2. |
Richard Wagner/
trans. Mark Hindsley |
Overture to The Flying Dutchman |
3. |
Hector Berlioz/
trans. F. Ligner
Overture to Benvenuto Cellini |
4. |
Giuseppe Verdi/
trans. Walter Kalischnig |
Overture to Il finto Stanislao |
5. |
Giuseppe Verdi/
trans. John R. Bourgeois |
Overture to Giovanna d’Arco |
6. |
Johann Strauss, Jr./
trans. William C. Jolly |
Overture to The Gypsy Baron
(click to download sheet music) |
7. |
Sir Arthur Sullivan/
trans. John R. Bourgeois |
Overture di Ballo |
8. |
Edouard Lalo/
trans. Lucien Cailliet |
Overture to Le Roi d’Ys |
Please Note: This recording is no longer available. If your local library receives Marine Band recordings, this disc may be available in its music collection.