PC users: To download files, right click on the "download" link, then click "Save Target As." When you are prompted to save, choose a location on your computer and save the audio file. Mac users: To download files, hold down the control key and click on the "download" link to save the audio file to your computer.
1. |
Ludwig van Beethoven |
March in D |
Download |
2. |
Johann Sebastian Bach/trans. Thomas Knox |
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C, BWV 564
(click for sheet music)
Download |
3. |
Saint-Saëns |
Orient et Occident,
Opus 25 |
Download |
4. |
Percy Grainger |
Children’s March, "Over the Hills and Far Away" |
Download |
5. |
Warren Benson |
The Solitary Dancer |
6. |
Percy Grainger |
Marching Song
of Democracy |
Download |
7. |
Walter Piston |
“Tunbridge Fair” Intermezzo for Band |
8. |
Mark Camphouse |
Elegy |
Please Note: This recording is no longer available. If your local library receives Marine Band recordings, this disc may be available in its music collection.