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1. |
Hector Berlioz/
trans. Howard Bowlin |
Marche Hongroise from La damnation
de Faust, Opus 24 |
2. |
Richard Wagner/
trans. John Philip Sousa |
to Tannhäuser
(click to download sheet music) |
3. |
George Whitefield Chadwick/trans. Howard Bowlin |
"Jubilee" from Symphonic Sketches
(click for sheet music) |
4-7. |
Boris Kozhevnikov/
ed. John R. Bourgeois |
Symphony No. 3, Slavyanskaya |
4. 1. Allegro |
5. 2. Waltz |
6. 3. Scherzo |
7. 4. Allegro |
8. |
Enrique Granados/
adapted by John R. Bourgeois |
from Goyescas |
9-12. |
Ottorino Respighi/
trans. Duker |
The Pines of Rome |
9. 1. The Pines
of the Villa Borghese |
10. 2. The Pines Near a Catacomb |
11. 3. The Pines
of the Janiculum |
12. 4. The Pines
of the Appian Way |
Please Note: This recording is no longer available. If your local library receives Marine Band recordings, this disc may be available in its music collection.